Monday, September 22, 2008

Serotonin Syndrome

BACKSTORY again - If you read my last entry (which you should because I somehow managed to be a bit funny) - I shared a panic story from hell (or Times Square - same thing). I forgot to mention how I got better (ish)! It turns out that I was suffering from Serotonin Syndrome. Serotonin syndrome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - My Doctor is a bit of a genius and figured it out in about 10 minutes. I was on 3 meds that had Serotonin in them - even just trace amounts. A beta-blocker, Trazodone, and Wellbutrim (I think...I am trying to remember). Just a reminder of how much this can be chemical - forgive yourself (please). I really saw the other side of sanity that bitter night. I hope to never see it again. It took about 2 weeks from me to get the maddening Serotonin levels out of my system. I was suffering for about 2 months without knowing it. I had to have an intern or an assistant walk me out of the building every night (can you imagine working for such a nutty boss - I told them I had health issues...which is not really a lie - I terrified them...I think they thought I was dying). I could no longer take the escalator - so they had to bring my down to street level through the freight elevator, which was also the secret celebrity entrance. They would hold my arm - and watch me shake and have to take mini steps to the lobby. Then one of them would stay behind to hail a cab for me. On the below evening - they were both not in the I had to go it alone (I hid all of this from my boss!). I did call a dear friend to come get me...but she was confused and went to my apartment downtown. I felt too bad to have her come up to mid-town so I lied and told her I was fine. I had to lie about many things during that time.

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