Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Holy Crap! Bush Block!

Ok...I may need to thank Mr. President and the lovely Governor Palin for creating the worst grid-lock in New York City history and maybe for curing me. What am I talking about...you maybe asking your pretty self. Well, of course I'll tell ya.... I am never shy of a good rant...or clear personal drama. After-all it all revolves around me. (smirk)
OK....sigh...ok (still a bit worked up). If you are one of my 5 lovely blog followers (thank you repeat customers - I do love ya) you know that I have major panic issues with walking the streets or taking the subway. Slight problem if you live in NYC. Well, on this lovely fall morning I got a cab to work - like any other day (oh my poor broke ass!). BUT, ugh...BUT (ok,getting worked up again)The UN General Assembly is in session (let's hear it for world peace...never mind that Bipolar lady in Gramercy Park who is trying to get to mid-town and fast!). This session includes world leaders like President Bush, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Sara Palin (wait...what? I said WORLD leaders...yikes!) - so security is SUPER tight all over the city. The city shut down so many streets that there was/is insane grid-lock like no other I tell ya. I have never EVER seen traffic like this. 14 dollars and 30 minutes later - we were NOWHERE - an actual circle! 5 blocks from my house. I was running late for work, the big boss lady is in town and I had no choice...but (wait for it)...but (here it comes)to TAKE A SUBWAY! A what? A who? I started to cry in the back of the cab (such a poor dear). I kept telling myself that this would be good for me and to push forward. So I did.

The last time I was on a subway was early July with my Exposure Therapy Doctor (trust me...I have a friggen team!). It was about 96 degrees that day and we stupidly got in the only car with no air-conditioning (Manic Blogger internal dialogue alert) "Gee...I wonder why that car is empty -let's get in that one - so we have lots of room - that will keep me calm" (sucker). I kind of flipped out...I couldn't breath....I had too many layers on that I would not take off - suffer or show my fat arms...I will always choose to suffer. There was this woman just sitting there reading her paperback novel and I wanted to yell "Lady, what the fuck? It is 102 degrees in here...there's no air....get out! RUN!". All the while my doctor is smiling at me and telling me to breath with my abdomen. In through the nose, and out through the mouth and repeat. I was pissed at my doctor when we got out at the next stop (panting - looking quite attractive may I add)...I told him that he blew it (nicely of course)....I would never take a subway again. OK...a bit dramatic...but what was he thinking pushing me on such a hot day? Feh. Before that day I had not been on the subway in about a year.

So, back to today. I was OK. A touch stressed...but really OK. What? Who said that? The funny thing is (as if this was not all ridiculous to start with)...my subway ride is only 6 minutes! I'm such a dork. My chemicals are clearly WAY more balanced now (god bless Trileptal). This could be the big breakthrough me and my doctor have been waiting for (maybe all will be forgiven). Such drama...but a good tale.

So, you maybe asking yourself..."Oh Manic Blogger, how did you get home tonight?" - well my dear friend(s) - I TOOK THE SUBWAY HOME! TADA!

End Scene.

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